40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 26 The Birth of Compassion
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“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
~ Mother Teresa
Forgiveness births compassion.
As one finds a small space in their heart to soften and forgive, the compassion comes pouring in.
What was once the unthinkable act now has a larger perspective in the scheme of life.
As a person forgives, they begin to see beyond the act or action and into the pain and suffering that the other person endured as well.
As one does the seemingly impossible and send well wishes for healing to the other person, they begin to see compassion in themselves.
They realize that to send compassion from the inside outward, they are different and healed.
The first sentence of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi says:
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”
This one little sentence can a great life make.
With forgiveness comes compassion. With compassion comes peace. With peace comes true inner power and strength.