Tag: self love

Peace Awaits

40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 33 The Truth of the Matter

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert Ah those moments of truth. I love when a person can find the courage to stop hiding and reveal the truth about how they really feel. Of course, a person must…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 32 The Power of Intention

“Resentment is the poison and you are the vessel.” ~ Taylor Tagg “I don’t want to be ill anymore and I don’t want to feel this way.” This is what I hear often from clients who are ready for relief in their lives. Once you spend enough time in sickness, sickness becomes too hard to…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 40 The Gifts of 40

      “Life is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming.” ~ Matthew Arnold I have been blessed in so many ways throughout these 40 Days of Forgiveness! I haven forgiven others, have been forgiven, and I have forgiven myself. Others who are passionate about forgiveness and are considering…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 39 Let Forgiveness Settle In

He desires to get reliable blood pressure pills within the drugstore at home here simply. And get the best offers for blood pressure pills. A great place not only to buy but also to get comprehensive information about drugs. Enalapril subjects gave out only 25% of the indicator These indicators are confirmed by the research…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 38 Seeing the Good is What Counts

        Oh, my friend, it’s not what they take away from you that counts.  It’s what you do with what you have left. ~Hubert Humphrey To see the good takes effort and patience, especially when it’s a stressful situation or we just would rather wring someone’s neck instead. Seeing the good means…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 37 Sending Love Out

          “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.” ~ Anais Nin What is given to you must be given by…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 36 Receiving Unconditional Love

          “There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstances. ” ~ Stephen Kendrick Receiving the unconditional love of God and Spirit is a tough one at times. We don’t think we are worthy, deserving, really good…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 35 Get Your Needs Met

            “The bittersweet about truth is that nothing could be more hurtful, yet nothing could be more helpful.” ~ Mike Norton We all want to get our needs met.  We struggle to make it happen the way we think it should be. We run up against resistance and stay in locked…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 34 Let’s Get Physical!

Elle peut commander un remède à prix réduit qui provoque l’ovulation dans un cycle normal dans la pharmacie Reims à la maison ici simplement … Vous n’avez pas besoin d’une ordonnance pour acheter les comprimés. Support amical et meilleures offres pour tous les visiteurs. Dangereux Combinaisons de médicaments et précautions Il y a certaines combinaisons…
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40 Days of Forgiveness – Day 32 Positive Shift Happens

          “View life through a wide angle lens attitude and see your horizons broaden.” ~ Stephen Richards An integral part of the forgiveness process is the mental shift. The mental shift begins when you take a negative perspective and move it to a positive one with a preference statement. “I would prefer…
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