Seven Strategies for Peace This Holiday Season
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“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
― Albert Einstein
Just before the holiday season began, Life Coach Fonda Milana and I presented several strategies for peaceful living and communications over the holidays.
The holiday season maybe a tough time for us, but a few simple tips can take us a long way in staying strong and calm in the midst of chaos.
Be sure to stay within yourself, know your hot buttons, and keep in mind that the circumstances about someone or something are separate from how you feel about someone or something.
What you focus on, you feel.
What are you going to focus on in the midst of family and friends, some of whom you would rather not be around?
As a recap, here are seven strategies to consider and take to heart as you interact with those closest to you:
1. Take all things graciously, not personally.
2. Accept the Apology You Will Never Receive
3. Own Thy Words and Actions
4. Trust that All Will Work Out for the Best
5. Give Love
6. Forgive Yourself for not Forgiving
7. Focus on What is Good with Gratitude
If you want to listen to the 60 minute conversation with thoughts and detailed explanations from Fonda and I, click here.
May you have a peaceful, safe, and glorious Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, and Holiday Season!