Top 10 Ways to Successfully Navigate Major Decisions This Year

Peace Awaits

Top 10 Ways to Successfully Navigate Major Decisions This Year

key decision







“The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.” – Malcolm Gladwell

Life transitions can be stressful—

whether they’re due to taking a new job, welcoming a new family member, ending a relationship, selling your house, or working extra hours to make ends meet.

If you’re facing a major key decision this year, consider the following to help your transition unfold with emotional clarity and positive mental focus.

1. Take an honest look at yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, skills? How did those influence-positively or negatively- your transition? What do you need to focus on within you now as the next change approaches?
(Ask about the Six Human Needs Assessment)

2. Amp up your self-care. Major changes are physically and emotionally taxing. You need self-care now more than ever. Physical exercise, mental relaxation, and emotional release are essential to keeping energy moving inside of you and maintaining a stable level of healthiness.

3. Engage your curiosity. What went wrong and right in your situation? What could you have done better? What worked really well? What have you learned that will serve you in the future?

4. Focus on what you want, and less on what you don’t want. What we focus on, we feel whether it’s positive or negative. Keep your eye on the prize.

5. Find support. Since your life transition affects your family as well, it may be better to seek the outside support of friends or coaching professionals. (see Taylor’s 3 Session Strategic Intervention Coaching Plan)

6. Work on your thoughts. Calm your fears by reinforcing your sense of faith, hope, and happiness. When you consciously change your thoughts, your life changes instantly. (Ask about the Triad Strategy)

7. Reassure those who are threatened by, or jealous of, the change.

8. Create your own rite of passage. Ceremony and ritual help with all transitions. The mind loves formal process. Create your own rite of passage.

9. Let go of how things were “supposed to be” and accept “how things are.” Find appreciation for “what is” by letting go of your expectations of how thing should end up.

10. Keep things in perspective. Or try on a new perspective to breakout of being stuck. Remember, the only constant is change. Go with it.

Sign up for Taylor’s Three Session Strategic Intervention Coaching Plan…if you are facing a tough key decision this year and you could use a sounding board or you are unsure of what to do, contact Taylor today and set up an free introductory planning session.

You will gain clarity along with three amazing strategies to tackle your decision head on and with confidence. Don’t wait another second. Take action now!

Permission, © Claire Communications and The Evolving Heart.


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