The Greatest Gift of Them All

Peace Awaits

The Greatest Gift of Them All

Forgiveness is the Greatest GiftLove will decide everything ~ Pedro Arrupe

The greatest gift of them all is Forgiveness. It is the greatest gift because it is given TO YOU BY YOU with Love.

Forgiveness provides Peace and inspires Love in others.

Forgiveness is the integrated process of letting go of expectations you hold of another and of yourself, detaching from all that WAS so you can fully experience all that IS good right now.

No other gift can give you true Peace of Heart like Forgiveness.

Why is Forgiveness so important?

Because it releases you from your own self containment.

You and I hold on to what we know should be and it keeps us from flowing and moving in our lives. Forgiveness gives you back your power, flow, and energy that you used to hold on for so long.

Forgiveness is the greatest gift because it:

– Is of the finest spiritual quality and remains permanent.

– Makes others take notice of your new, brilliant shine.

– Provides you with Peace of Heart, which every living soul desires.

– Puts a Broadway smile on your face where there is none now.

– Gives you a deeper understanding of your capacity to give.

– Allows you to understand others' perspectives while getting clear on your own. 

– Changes your relationships with loved ones for the better.

– Moves you forward with the force of an unstoppable spirit.

– Lets your expectations fall away in favor of new found energy and a sense of unity.

– Sets your Spirit free.

Forgiveness is a gift that grants you serenity, peace, and unconditional love. All you have to do is be willing to accept it.

Forgiveness is the highest form of Love that you can give to anyone including yourself.

Remember, forgiveness is for you and no one else. 

Give yourself the greatest gift of them all.

And what happens when you do?

You become free to be the best version of you in every way.

One Response

  1. Eileen Forrest says:

    This is awesome….when do you start your workshop on forgiveness? I would like to attend.
    Thank you Taylor.

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